When the Peak District Challenge was founded, we felt that some of the existing challenge events that have developed in the UK have shaky environmental and ethical credentials, and we wanted to do something about it. So here are some ways the Peak District Challenge has been designed from the ground-up to have a positive impact on our world, and minimise our impact on others.

  1. A nationally geographically central location and no extensive travelling involved during the challenge itself- minimising travel impact.
  2. Event is most easily accessible by public transport (as opposed to private car) and timed to coincide with train times both before and after the event.
  3. We promote accomodation and a Sunday celebration day to all participants following their challenge, encouraging people to stick around to spend time and money in the local area following their visit.
  4. All participants are invited to make an additional financial contribution to the PDNPA access fund towards maintaining the physical environment.
  5. Event route and waypoints designed in consultation with Peak National Park ranger service.
  6. Multiple point-to-point routes are offered, with (wherever permitted by landowners) no fixed route between checkpoints. Participants spread out throughout the park, minimising traffic on any single path.
  7. An impact assessment is made of paths that are most likely to be used. The increase in path use because of the Peak District Challenge is estimated at between 3-10% of average path use.
  8. To minimise noise, path wear and disturbance, there is no mass start, with teams set off at 1-2 minute intervals.
  9. Small teams of 3-5 people – no “coach loads of challengers” here.
  10. Checkpoints can almost totally be linked by wide hard-surfaced waymarked national trails. Routes avoid delicate and vegetated paths.
Wilderness Development Peak District Challenge
Wilderness Development Peak District Challenge
Peak District Challenge Wilderness Development
Peak District Challenge Wilderness Development
Peak District Challenge Wilderness Development
  1. Pre-start environmental advice given to participants in pre-event briefing.
  2. No damage caused by the event since 2013 (long may this continue!). We pro-actively requested damage reports from volunteers and entrants.
  3. Minimum navigation skill requirement for self-navigating entrants, reducing likelihood of straying on to private, delicate or sensitive land close to zero.
  4. Event supervised by Mountain Leaders and Outdoor Adventure company with extensive event experience and environmental interest.
  5. Waymarking (ie cardboard arrows) minimised and in situ for under 12 hours.
  6. Spectators discouraged (instead asked to volunteer for the event) and external support teams banned: minimises traffic and parking inconvenience.
  7. Refreshments / checkpoints / support functions are located on roads at road crossings, away from sensitive environmental areas.
  8. No rubbish left in the park (this doesn’t just mean litter, we don’t using public bins either. Participants take their own rubbish home with them, and checkpoints return their rubbish to HQ for disposal.)
  9. Every possible reasonable step is taken to avoid clashes with other events. When dates are set (approx 18-24 months in advance of event date) we make use of the PDNPA event calendar at http://events.peakdistrict.gov.uk/ and Fell Running Association calendar at fellrunner.org.uk to avoid other events.
  10. Where participants can’t make use of public transport, we offer privately arranged off-road parking (only 75 cars needed to use this is 2019, out of 300+ entrants!)
  11. Sponsorship raised by participants totals over £250,000 between 2015-2019.
  12. Consumables are chosen with environmental consideration, for instance we offer exclusively vegetarian (more sustainable) food, biodegradable supplies used throughout, water bottles refilled not replaced, etc, etc, etc.
  13. Event complies 100% with Institute of Fundraising Code of Practice.
  14. Event complies 100% with Peak National Park events Code of Practice.
  15. Event complies 100% with draft BMC Green Guide to Large Groups and Challenge events.
  16. Finishers momentos are provided only to those who want and will value them: no dust-gathering trinkets here!
  17. No single-use plastic bottles or cups in our checkpoint refreshments. Mostly-wasted bottles of sports drink are no more!
  18. Event complies 100% with The Fundraising Regulator Code of Practice

We do the best we reasonably can to run an extremely ethical and considerate challenge event. We welcome your comments on further improvements though – please reach out to will@peak-district-challenge.com.